          Why Absolute Righteous matters? Because only absolute righteous can be absolute fair and balance that Chinese said "Zhong.Sin"("Boot.The.Zhong.Sin.Are.Yu.Zhi. B.Yell.Kwon.Jyuan.Hood"-That may explain how come 室內設計China must rely on biggest Rebel China Communist to stand after China lost both first class mankind and evilest Chinese man) 澎湖民宿, that means you are in the site of Satan but not side with Satan that you have no way to do the same in God site (That how even the daughter o 濾桶f God must be found out missed out of God site after she challenge her God [That how God become that Lord called in Old Testament, that Satan called in New Testament; bec 室內設計ause in order to rescue his daughter <That how you must not give birth, because even God cannot afford to have a daughter, not mention anyone who is less Mighty than God; yet without daught 代償er, all son must have no way to get a life, that how you must not give birth in any way.>, he left his God site behind and by enter the site of Satan, he taken over the site owned by that Satan @@ Down Loade 燒烤d or "Huang.Yuan.Chen" the form seen as Snakes@@ and rebuilt it to become the sight that Chinese said "Ten.Tea.運.Sin"] Father.); that how you love God more than any thing, you have to progress into invisible air, no way to stan 室內裝潢d on the surface of this Earth that Chinese said "5.Lead.Jway.Zhi.Deed". That how Chinese told "Yo.The.B.Yo.10. Yo.10.B.Yo.The", moral (That how as long as you can keep your pure virgin to the end, no matter what crime you may committed, you can always rel 租房子y on your "pure virgin" to score your moral point to earn your right to stay in that invisible dark site until your Earth must need you to come down to save it from lie down to echo Chinese said "Ten.Sheng.Wall.Child.B.Yo.用")  man or woman who is God-fearer 辦公室出租who lose "Lead.Jway.Zhi.Deed", must be spared out of birth cycle,  that means no need to suffer Chinese said "Lwen.Wheel.Zhi.Cool". .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 建築設計  .

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